Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lead Poisoning Disproportionate Among Minority Community
Lead exposure is a preventable environmental health concern. As individuals at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum are more likely to be exposed to lead, this exposure may be an important contributor to the achievement gap. The lead in the drinking water caused brain damage, and cognitive problems in youth children. There are many reasons for high level of lead poison in minority community such as urban drinking water systems are more likely to be fluoridated than suburban and rural water systems, affecting blacks and Hispanics more than whites, commonly used fluoridation chemicals cause increased absorption of lead, and this lead-absorbing effect is more pronounced in, and the lack of education about the harm of lead poison in minority community.
Exposure to lead can have an effect on a child’s development and behavior. Exposed to a small among of lead in child development stage will causing speech delay, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, neurological and renal damage, stunted growth, anemia, hearing loss, and in some rare cases mental retardation. Children who have a high level of lead poison may appear inattentive, hyperactive and irritable. They might have problems with learning and reading, delayed growth and hearing loss. 

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