Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Food Justice

Food Justice

By Joshua Davison

                Many low income families across the nation have no access to clean water or fresh and healthy food.  This is commonly seen as an issue that is only affecting countries that are war torn or have great amounts of poverty.  This just is not the case.  It is happening right here in America.
                In many poverty stricken urban areas there are “food deserts”.  Places where the only food to come by might be a McDonald’s, a 7-Eleven, or a Pizza Hut.  These places certainly do not have fresh wholesome ingredients that growing adolescents and even adults need to live healthy lifestyles.  In a food desert you are not able to find fresh food for a about a mile around where you live.
One area of Detroit has some couple hundred liquor stores to two grocery stores.  It is obvious that urban planning needs some sort of a revival in the terms of fresh food sources.  We need to build a movement that brings the farm worker back into the urban environment.  An of food if you will.  People need to be able to get the food they want and the food that they rightly deserve.  Social issues must take this into effect and to change it.  Does anyone have any ideas on how we might change food deserts in America?

Where have all the open air markets and fresh produce stores gone?!


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