Tuesday, March 6, 2012

California Aqueduct

The California  aqueduct system, is a man made river that has several tunnels, pipelines, and it conveys water to the whole state of California. Due to the dryness in California, there is a shortage of water, therefore this built this river so that water could be available to the whole state. The aqueduct goes from Sacramento all the way to the South Bay. They aqueduct is connected to several rivers and lakes thought California, so that it can continually be supplied.  The aqueduct also stores water so that when there is a drought of a water storage, the water can become a delivery system. The water is also supplied to the power plants and pumping plants in California and also one of its main purposes is to distribute agricultural water to certain areas throughout California. About 30% of the water goes to agriculture, epically in the valley. This project supplies water to 2/3 of the California population, and it also helps prevent flooding and it helps enhance wildlife and fish.

Catherine Watters 

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