Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hydraulic Fracking Hurting the Everyman

Hydraulic Fracking Hurting the Everyman

By Josh Davison
  I recently found this interesting website talking about the dangers of hydraulic fracturing.  As a Geology student I have recently been informed that these fractures can cause man-made earthquakes, but the problem itself goes much deeper.

Here is the website, you really need to look at it/it is fun and interactive: http://dangersoffracking.com/

                Now hydraulic fracking itself occurs normally through cross cutting formations propagating rocks in the forms of dikes veins.  It is inside these formed dikes and veins that a source of petroleum, natural gas, or coal can settle forming a reservoir of these valuable natural resources.  Energy companies are attempting to accelerate this process through means of injecting vast amounts of injecting fluid into the ground at a very high pressure in the attempt to fracture the shale and release the natural gases inside.  This is where the problem lies.
                It takes 1-8 million gallons of water to complete each fracturing job.  This water is mixed with sand and chemicals to create fracking fluid.  These chemicals include lead, uranium, radium, methanol, mercury, and formaldehyde among others.  During the process of injecting all of this into the shale underground it leaches out of the system to contaminate the groundwater.  For miles around a fracking site people may have contaminated ground water.  There have been over 1,000 cases of contamination in ground water from fracking sites leading to many different kinds of health concerns.  Of all this fracking fluid less than half is ever recovered and the rest is left to rot deep underground where residents get their groundwater.
                The dangers of fracking are very real and dangerous.  Most of these fracking sites are located among poor communities with ethnic minorities that cannot speak out for themselves.  It is time we all spoke out against fracking.  Let’s end it now.  Contact your local officials at the end of the link that has already been mentioned!

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