Monday, February 6, 2012

Environmental Injustice : Melting of China

By Thu-Hieu Ngo

One of the many factors that contributes to Environmental injustice comes from the cause of pollution. In this article "In China, Global Environmental Injustice Kills Millions", the issue of pollution was brought upon by the social economic issues. The Injustice displays how China has become a sacrifice zone where we offshore jobs, factories and pollution. Large companies are moving their industry over to China, thus creating a toxic land where health issues and death are significant to the Chinese people. Pollution and the lack of safety in the water access has made cancer China's leading cause of death. The toxic air is killing around 760,000 thousands Chinese a year and this brings up the question: Is China's idea of creating better economical growth beneficial for their people? Those who aren't drawn to their death are associating with an unhealthy lifestyle and illness that are preventing them to do certain things. Thousands of people are being hovered over by this toxic cloud but people often don't think that China's injustice is significant and that is why it's left on the side line. This brings forth another question, is this injustice focused on racism or is it an economical issue that effects the environment, or is it both?

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