Friday, February 3, 2012

Food Deserts

 In 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, American's became aware of just how bad living conditions were in certain areas of our nation, not only that but it became apparent as well that there was a level of discrimination involved with it. New Orleans is ranked #1 as America's worst Urban Food Desert, meaning it's residents have little or no access to healthy food including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products. Millions of Americans, mostly poor African Americans live in these areas. Food deserts can be defined by the lack or absence of large grocery stores and supermarkets that sell fresh produce and healthy food options. They typically also consist of low income populations living on tight budgets. There are also usually high levels of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which result from residents buying their foods from corner stores that sell processed foods, and fast food restaurants. People living in these conditions face everyday challenges such as having to choose between buying food and paying utility bills, there are so many children exposed to these living circumstances and yet there are American's who will never have to worry about missing a meal a day of their life. There is a serious need to look at the state of our nation, and ask ourselves "why is there such a high level of social stratification in a nation that is supposed to provide equal rights?".

Mary Navarro

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